Added workshop “Cassiopeia Talisman Workshop.”

“Cassiopeia Talisman Workshop” with Various.

The culmination of the Astrological Magic Conference of 2023 will be historic and unforgettable. A team of highly experienced astrological magicians will lead conference attendees in the creation of powerful talismanic rings inspired by the occult writings of Albertus Magnus, one of the most famous magicians of all time.

We will be making Cassiopeia Talismans, drawing down a mighty spirit of that constellation into a ring and granting its services to its new owner. According to De Mineralibus attributed to Albertus Magnus, these talismans bring sleep, restore the members of the body, give rest after toil, and strengthens the frail. According to the later writing the Speculum Lapidum of Camillo Leonardi they ensure the health of the wearer, heal the sick and weary, give rest and calm after labors, and brings pleasant sleep and sweet dreams.

Albertus Magnus is believed to have been born in 1193AD in what is now Germany and lived to be 87. A Dominican friar, philosopher, astrologer, theologian and prolific writer, he expounded on countless subjects; most of which today we would consider scientific but certainly included magic. He commented extensively on the writings of Plotinus and Aristotle, and was both a Neoplatonist and a very outspoken proponent of Scholasticism. A skilled diplomat and investigator, he traveled on foot throughout Europe studying nature; and when visiting libraries he copied countless books by hand. In addition to the canonical De Mineralibus, several works on magic and alchemy have been spuriously attributed to him– though he did claim to have witnessed the transmutation of metals. His Speculum Astronomiae both defends and criticizes the contemporary practices of astrology and the creation of talismans. A mentor to St.Thomas Aquinas, Albertus was eventually declared to be the patron saint of the natural sciences. His inspiring life shows that for some, faith, science, and the arcane can be fully integrated into a richly fulfilling life.

As for the Ring of Cassiopeia, we can hardly think of a more appropriate talisman to possess after a long weekend of learning, fellowship and celebration. And it is an appropriate homage to one of the greatest forefathers of our tradition.

An additional $150 fee will pay for a customized Sterling silver ring set with a large lapis lazuli gemstone designed by accomplished jeweler Kris Harvey; in addition to supplementary materials to prepare it as a mystical talisman of legendary power.

For those signing up for this add-on workshop, the ring size must be sent to our jeweler in sufficient time for it to be customized and shipped. Please do not delay this. Timing, after all… is everything.